DSLR comes time to say goodbye -Now Light Field Camera Market ~ Novel Technology information of ten directions to the world.
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DSLR comes time to say goodbye -Now Light Field Camera Market

Best of novel technology camera on the world.
On July 31, travel photography experience for the upcoming open the associate the professional level of the First Light Field Camera Lytro Illum issue because the market. Unlike many of the Illum Lytro cameras are used for taking photographs DSLR "biological dimensions Photos / Living Pictures" has the ability to take photographs. The camera Lenses, Sensors, specialized software and 3D technology enables the camera to take photos of this new more realistic picture.

"Bio-dimensional images / Living Pictures" feature is that the right approach to the various editions after the photo. The new data on the way in to the camera Lytro Illum photos, color, picture viewer Focus Point is different because of the color and intensity of light rays with the photograph of the data recorded at work, focus, Depth of Field can change the way of viewing the three-dimensional. These changes do not have the ability to take photographs through the previous DSLR technology. The deadline henceforth, light direction to capture the event and now has the opportunity to complete instead of photo editing.

But because this technology is that the knowledge or experience to have a more comfortable taking photograph that anyone can think too much. One can argue with to the vanishing art technology. But juggle with technology, the design can be humiliating experience, one that has been unprecedented in our opinion.

Lytro Illum released camera market price of $ 1599, $ 1499, but these days you can for pre order.
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novel technology Updated at: 1:43 PM


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