Onling typing Job make money ~ Novel Technology information of ten directions to the world.
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Onling typing Job make money

The job requires simple typing of english running text matter displayed in the scanned jpg images into Ms-Word with the given guide lines without using any sort of OCR software.

You will be provided with 300 scanned images with english running text matter. You have to open the images in your computer, read the matter and type it in Ms-Word without any changes and errors and submit with in 30 days for Quality Checking.
If your typing is 100% accurate, you will be paid 200 Dollars else as per the table below.
Quality % 100% 100% to 98% 98% to 95% 95% to 90% 90% to 80% Below 80%
Payment   $ 200      $ 160    $ 120      $ 80     $ 40     Nil
Quality % is calculated as The ratio of pages without errors to total number of pages typed.
Quality Report will be displayed for cross checking. Errors on each page will be shown

You can submit the incomplete work also and get part payment for the completed work but submission time will not be extended. Incomplete work should be starting from first file to any number, but in sequence.

Posted by:
novel technology Updated at: 11:29 AM


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